Asthma: Young people in the UK ‘more likely to die’
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Asthma: Young people in the UK ‘more likely to die’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Young people in the UK are more likely to die from asthma than those in other wealthy countries, a report has found. Death rates for asthma in 10 to 24-year-olds was highest in the UK among all 14 European nations included in an analysis of…

Gene therapy could treat rare brain disorder in unborn babies
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Gene therapy could treat rare brain disorder in unborn babies

This article was taken from: By Ian Sample Science editor at The Guardian News Doctors could use Crispr tool to inject benign virus into foetus’s brain to ‘switch on’ key genes Scientists are developing a radical form of gene therapy that could cure a devastating medical disorder by mending mutations in the brains of foetuses in the…

Sepsis: New rapid test ‘could save thousands of lives’
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Sepsis: New rapid test ‘could save thousands of lives’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news A new rapid test for earlier diagnosis of sepsis has been developed by University of Strathclyde researchers, which they say could save thousands of lives. A microelectrode device analyses the patient’s blood, with results coming through in two-and-a-half minutes. Current diagnosis tests for sepsis can…

Record numbers of NHS staff quitting due to long hours
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Record numbers of NHS staff quitting due to long hours

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health Policy Editor at the Guardian News Number of nurses leaving the service almost triples – at a time of more than 40,000 nursing vacancies Record numbers of burned-out NHS staff are quitting because they are fed up with spending too much time at work and not enough with…

Most hip and knee replacements ‘last longer than thought’
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Most hip and knee replacements ‘last longer than thought’

This article was taken from: By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Eight out of 10 knee replacements and six out of 10 hip replacements last as long as 25 years, says a large study from the University of Bristol. This is much longer than believed, the researchers said, and the findings will help patients and surgeons…