Obesity overtaking smoking as biggest Welsh health risk
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Obesity overtaking smoking as biggest Welsh health risk

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-46883437 By  Owain Clarke at BBC Wales health correspondent Obesity is overtaking smoking as the biggest risk to health in Wales, experts have warned. The “stark” problem with overweight children could also mean this generation will not live as long as their parents, according to Wales’ chief medical officer. It comes as…

Fears that staffing shortages could hamper cancer strategy
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Fears that staffing shortages could hamper cancer strategy

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-46892932 By BBC Health news Staff shortages could derail the Scottish government’s £100m cancer strategy, a new report has warned. The blueprint for improving care for the 32,000 Scots diagnosed with cancer every year has made significant progress in areas such as prevention and improving survival. But there is a lack…

Nutritionists launch portion size guide to tackle overeating
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Nutritionists launch portion size guide to tackle overeating

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jan/14/nutritionists-launch-portion-size-guide-to-tackle-overeating By Sarah Boseley Health editor at the Guardian news Recommendations focus on how much people should eat during the day to stay healthy Ministers and public health experts have long been telling us we eat too much sugar, saturated fat and salt but less attention has been paid to the size of…

Low-calorie hospital where healthy-eating NHS staff lead battle against obesity
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Low-calorie hospital where healthy-eating NHS staff lead battle against obesity

This article was taken from: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/low-calorie-hospital-healthy-eating-13850821 By  Danny Buckland the Mirror news On National Obesity Awareness Week Bosses at Tameside General Hospital have removed fizzy drinks and sugary snacks from vending machines and shelves hospital has taken drastic action to tackle obesity by getting its staff to lead by example. Vending machine “full-fat” drinks and sugary…

Global fight against killer diseases seeks £11bn
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Global fight against killer diseases seeks £11bn

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-46840411 By  Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News A key fund which finances the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria is seeking fresh investment worth £11bn. The French President Emmanuel Macron is launching the latest round to replenish the Global Fund in Paris. It is being called “a decisive moment”. The fund says progress has…