Growing up in dirty air ‘quadruples chances of developing depression’
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Growing up in dirty air ‘quadruples chances of developing depression’

This article was taken from: By Damian Carrington Environment editor Young people more likely to have depression at 18 if exposed to dirtier air at age 12 Children who lived in areas with higher air pollution when younger are significantly more likely to have developed major depression by the age of 18, according to research. In…

Why it’s worth striking the right note for people with dementia
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Why it’s worth striking the right note for people with dementia

This article was taken from: By Letters at the Guardian News Pat Kirwan on the rewards of playing music for those with the condition, and Prof Martin Green and Veronica Franklin Gould on accessing creative activities It’s sad that Susan Tomes’ offer of playing for patients with dementia ground to a halt through red tape (Letters, 12 January). I can…

Cheap common drugs may help mental illness
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Cheap common drugs may help mental illness

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News Cheap and widely used drugs for diabetes and heart health have potential for treating severe mental illness, a study hints. It showed the number of times patients needed hospital treatment fell by up to a fifth when they took the drugs. The researchers…

NHS plan: What it means for you
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NHS plan: What it means for you

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent The NHS in England has published a 10-year plan setting out what it will be prioritising in the future. It comes after ministers announced the budget will be increased by £20bn a year by 2023. The 136-page plan will see money shifted from hospitals to mental health and the…

Government makes women’s mental health a top priority
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Government makes women’s mental health a top priority

This article was taken from: By Department of Health and Social Care A new government report outlines better care principles for women experiencing mental ill health, which consider individual and gender-specific needs. The Women’s Mental Health Taskforce final report sets out its principles for better gender- and trauma-informed care. The Women’s Mental Health Taskforce was set up…