Mental health group calls for improvements to HMP Grampian services
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Mental health group calls for improvements to HMP Grampian services

This article was taken from: By David Proctor at The Press and Journal A watchdog is calling for improvements to be made at a north-east super jail so inmates do not miss mental health appointments. Inspectors from the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland visited HMP Grampian in the summer. At the time of the inspection…

World Mental Health Day 2018: Mindfulness and meditation explained by a psychologist
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World Mental Health Day 2018: Mindfulness and meditation explained by a psychologist

This article was taken from: By Georgia Chambers Psychologist Susan Peacock on how we can make mindfulness a part of our busy everyday lives It’s official – we’re a generation with more on our plates than ever before. In the workplace alone, around 526,000 of us are suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety, according…

Tens of thousands of children in England rejected for mental health treatment
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Tens of thousands of children in England rejected for mental health treatment

This article was taken from: By Richard Adams Education editor Even with evidence of abuse or self-harm many children are turned away, report finds More children than ever are seeking specialist mental health treatment in England but tens of thousands are being turned away despite evidence of self-harm or abuse, according to a report. An investigation by…

Newly discharged mental health patients at much higher risk of death
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Newly discharged mental health patients at much higher risk of death

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Such patients are 90 times more likely to die from drugs overdose than general population, research finds People with mental health problems are at a hugely increased risk of dying from unnatural causes, including suicide, soon after they have been discharged from hospital, new research reveals….

Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’
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Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Millions of people get bad side-effects trying to cut down on or come off antidepressants, a large review says. The All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence review suggests half of patients have withdrawal symptoms and for half of these the symptoms will be severe. Patients should…