Queen’s speech: NHS at heart of Johnson’s plans, says minister
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Queen’s speech: NHS at heart of Johnson’s plans, says minister

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/dec/19/queens-speech-nhs-to-be-at-heart-of-legislative-programme-minister By: Matthew Weaver Rishi Sunak highlights £34bn health spending, but appears to water down social care pledge Boris Johnson will try to use the Queen’s speech to refocus attention away from Brexit and on to the NHS, the government has confirmed. The prime minister intends to put the health service…

New recruitment bid to address NHS care demands
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New recruitment bid to address NHS care demands

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-50812693?intlink_from_url=&link_location=live-reporting-story By BBC Health news Plans to increase staffing levels to deal with growing demands in health and social care have been outlined by the Scottish government. It will recruit 375 district nurses by 2024 in a bid to boost the amount of people receiving care at home. The plan…

Drug that prevents half of breast cancers carries on working
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Drug that prevents half of breast cancers carries on working

This article was taken from: By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent A drug that halves a woman’s risk of breast cancer continues to work long after they stop taking it, say researchers. Anastrozole blocks the production of the hormone oestrogen, which fuels the growth of many breast cancers. It is already available on the…

Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas
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Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas

This article was taken from: https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/charities/free-taxis-and-meals-available-for-nhs-nurses-over-christmas-11-12-2019/ By Megan Ford NHS nurses across England, Scotland and Wales will be able to claim free taxi rides or meals over the Christmas period as part of an initiative to say ‘thank you’ to hardworking staff. For three years, Uber has offered nurses free trips to and from work…

Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close
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Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close

This article was taken from: Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close By Anna Fazackerley Podiatry, prosthetics and mental health nursing degrees also on universities’ ‘at risk’ list after end of bursaries Radiography and nursing degree courses may be at risk of closure, academics are warning – at a time when the NHS is…