Kidney condition detected in minutes by app
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Kidney condition detected in minutes by app

This article was taken from: By Hugh Pym Health editor A mobile phone app has speeded up the detection of a potentially fatal kidney condition in hospital patients. Staff describe the technology as a “potential lifesaver”, providing diagnoses in minutes instead of hours. Acute kidney injury is caused by serious health conditions, including sepsis,…

Home births at risk as midwife service collapses
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Home births at risk as midwife service collapses

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Hundreds of mothers-to-be have lost access to their midwives after a community service was forced to close. Women across the north-west of England and in Essex have been affected after One to One announced it was withdrawing the services it provided for the NHS. The…

HRH The Princess Royal visits Royal Cornwall Hospital maternity services
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HRH The Princess Royal visits Royal Cornwall Hospital maternity services

This article was taken from: By National Health Executive HRH The Princess Royal – who is a patron of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) – met with midwives, maternity support workers (MSWs), student midwives and other members of staff at The Princess Alexandra Maternity Wing on 26 July for royal recognition of the…

Opioid addiction numbers to be revealed for the first time
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Opioid addiction numbers to be revealed for the first time

This article was taken from: By Hugh Pym Health editor The number of patients addicted to opioid painkillers in England and the length of time they have been dependent will be set out in full for the first time in a major report due out in weeks. Sources say the report from Public Health…

Urology nurses are leading the way in adoption of prostate cancer biopsy technique
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Urology nurses are leading the way in adoption of prostate cancer biopsy technique

This article was taken from: By Jonah Rusere What is TRexit and why is it great news for prostate cancer patients all over the country? Let me explain. TRexit is the name given to a national initiative for hospitals to phase out TRUS biopsies and replace them with transperineal biopsies under local anaesthetic (LA…