Diabetes: a ‘ticking time bomb’ for the NHS
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Diabetes: a ‘ticking time bomb’ for the NHS

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/24/diabetes-ticking-time-bomb-nhs By Sarah Johnson at the Guardian Lack of specialist support and rising numbers of people living with the condition will create huge complications, say experts Rising numbers of people with diabetes and a lack of specialist staff and adequate training are creating a ticking time bomb, experts and medical professionals have…

NHS to train nurses in using safe staffing tools
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NHS to train nurses in using safe staffing tools

This article was taken from: https://www.hsj.co.uk/workforce/nhs-to-train-nurses-in-using-safe-staffing-tools/7023646.article By Shaun Lintern Senior nurses will be trained in how to use the Safer Nursing Care Tool to help tackle inconsistent safe staffing plans in the NHS. A letter to chief nurses from NHS Improvement’s chief nurse Ruth May has invited trusts to send a member of staff on a…

NHS: Will this winter be even worse?
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NHS: Will this winter be even worse?

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45943884 By Hugh Pym, Health editor at BBC News  Will there be a bleak winter for the NHS? A cycle of perpetual winter crises and the NHS running on empty – these are the latest warnings coming from groups in England representing hospitals and doctors. That sounds rather familiar for this time…

NHS denies flu vaccine shortage amid complaints over delays
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NHS denies flu vaccine shortage amid complaints over delays

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/21/nhs-denies-flu-vaccine-shortage-amid-complaints-over-delays By Ben Quinn The NHS and healthcare bodies have sought to offer assurances that there are adequate supplies of the flu vaccine amid mounting unease among older people who have been unable to get the jab at surgeries and pharmacies outside of London. Deliveries of this year’s adjuvanted trivalent vaccine (aTIV) – a new,…

‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’
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‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45915431 By  Alex TherrienHealth reporter, BBC News Combining a pioneering drug with hormone therapy may extend the survival of some women with advanced breast cancer, a trial suggests. Women who received palbociclib and hormone therapy lived up to 10 months longer than those given hormone treatment alone. It also delayed the time…