‘I was in excruciating pain from excess iron’
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‘I was in excruciating pain from excess iron’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46153617 By Laurel IvesBBC Health For years, Katherine Hough, 27, suffered from a series of mystifying symptoms. “I had unexplained stomach pains. Then when I got to university I began to faint frequently, my hair was falling out, I had severe joint pains and was constantly tired. My Mum thought it…

Dementia risk: Five-minute scan ‘can predict cognitive decline’
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Dementia risk: Five-minute scan ‘can predict cognitive decline’

This article was taken from: https://t.co/rfUKIk8ZiU By  Alex Therrien Health reporter, BBC News A five-minute scan could be used to spot people at risk of dementia before symptoms appear, researchers claim. Scientists used ultrasound scanners to look at blood vessels in the necks of more than 3,000 people and monitored them over the next 15 years. They found…

Record number of A&E patients given beds in England hospitals
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Record number of A&E patients given beds in England hospitals

This article was taken from: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/record-number-of-ae-patients-given-beds-in-england-hospitals-a3984781.html By Ross Lydall A record number of A&E patients were so sick they had to be admitted to hospital last month, NHS England figures show today. A total of 547,000 people who came to A&E had to be found a bed on a ward — 6.6 per cent up on last October. It…

‘Remarkable’ decline in fertility rates
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‘Remarkable’ decline in fertility rates

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46118103 By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News There has been a remarkable global decline in the number of children women are having, say researchers. Their report found fertility rate falls meant nearly half of countries were now facing a “baby bust” – meaning there are insufficient children to maintain their…

Heart patients ‘miss out on crucial scans’
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Heart patients ‘miss out on crucial scans’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-46126109 By BBC Health news Deadly cases of heart disease are being missed because of a shortage of scanners and radiologists, according to cardiac imaging experts. They claim thousands of Scottish patients with chest pains are missing out on potentially life-saving scans. Their research estimates that just 27% of people with…