NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk
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NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk

This article was taken from: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/10/nhs-delivers-more-than-850000-top-up-jabs-to-most-at-risk/           By NHS news       The NHS has administered more than 850,000 vital top up jabs, as the biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health history continues.             A total of 863,460 people have already had their top…

People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open
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People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open

This article was taken from: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/09/people-aged-16-and-17-urged-to-get-lifesaving-covid-vaccine-as-nhs-bookings-open/           By NHS England         People aged 16 and 17 are able to book their COVID-19 jabs through the National Booking Service from today as the NHS vaccination programme pulls out all the stops to protect people ahead of winter.    …

Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects
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Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58615838 By  Mary O’Connor BBC News   Women are advised to take the B vitamin – which can guard against spina bifida in unborn babies – before and during pregnancy, but many do not.     It is thought that adding folic acid to flour could prevent up to 200 birth defects…

Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say
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Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-58560861     By Nelli Bird BBC Health News   About one thousand people have signed a petition to fully reopen day centres for disabled adults.       Sian Thomas, 40, who is mentally and physically disabled, has been visiting Brooklands day centre in Risca five days a week…

People seeking NHS weight loss help heavier than those before COVID new study finds
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People seeking NHS weight loss help heavier than those before COVID new study finds

This article was taken from: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/09/people-seeking-nhs-weight-loss-help-heavier-than-those-before-covid-new-study-finds/         By NHS News     People seeking NHS help to lose weight during the pandemic are on average five pounds heavier than those starting the programme during the previous three years, new NHS research has revealed.         Extra weight, gained as people…