Chronic health issues for third in late 40s – study
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Chronic health issues for third in late 40s – study

This article was taken from:     By BBC Health News   About one in three middle-aged people has multiple chronic health issues, a long-running British study suggests.     The 1970 British Cohort Study has been periodically tracking the lives of about 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week….

Frontline health and care staff can work rather than self-isolate
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Frontline health and care staff can work rather than self-isolate

This article was taken from:   By – Department of Health and Social Care   From today (Monday 19 July), double vaccinated frontline NHS and social care staff in England who have been told to self-isolate will be permitted to attend work in exceptional circumstances and replaced by testing mitigations.     This…

Covid-19: Leamington Spa ‘mega lab’ opens to speed up testing
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Covid-19: Leamington Spa ‘mega lab’ opens to speed up testing

This article was taken from:     By  BBC Health News     The UK’s first testing “mega lab” has opened with the aim of increasing the UK’s daily coronavirus testing capacity.     The Rosalind Franklin laboratory in Leamington Spa is expected to be capable of processing hundreds of thousands of samples a…

Unions warn workers at risk if face masks rules dropped
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Unions warn workers at risk if face masks rules dropped

This article was taken from:   By BBC Health news Public transport and shop workers will face more risk of infection if mask rules are dropped, unions have said.     Boris Johnson is expected to confirm later that the majority of Covid restrictions in England will be lifted from 19 July.   These…

Covid: NHS plans booster jab for those 50 and over before winter
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Covid: NHS plans booster jab for those 50 and over before winter

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news     A bigger flu season than normal is expected, meaning extra protection against Covid is likely to be needed.     More than 30 million of the most vulnerable should receive a third dose, vaccine experts are advising.     They will include all…