Mumps and measles cases in England prompt vaccine call
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Mumps and measles cases in England prompt vaccine call

This article was taken from: By  James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News A significant increase in mumps cases and continuing outbreaks of measles in England have led to calls for people to ensure they are immunised. Public Health England said even one person missing their vaccinations was “too many”. There were 795 cases…

Three-quarters of food bought in UK hospitals is unhealthy, audit shows
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Three-quarters of food bought in UK hospitals is unhealthy, audit shows

This article was taken from: By Ian Samples Science Editor NHS staff, patients and visitors shun nutritious snacks in favour of crisps, sweets and cakes Researchers have called for radical restrictions on junk food in UK hospitals after an audit of NHS health centres found that people overwhelmingly bought unhealthy snacks and drinks on the premises….

‘Victorian Age’ Isolation Of Autistic Children In Inpatient Units Must End, Campaigner Says
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‘Victorian Age’ Isolation Of Autistic Children In Inpatient Units Must End, Campaigner Says

This article was taken from: By Aaron Walawalkar News and Digital Editor A veteran disability campaigner is calling on the NHS to stop locking people with learning difficulties and autism in indefinite isolation units inside hospital wards akin to “Victorian age” institutions.  Simone Aspis, from advocacy group Changing Perspectives, has called for the NHS…

Heart scan ‘could pick up signs of sudden death risk’
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Heart scan ‘could pick up signs of sudden death risk’

This article was taken from: By  Philippa RoxbyHealth reporter, BBC News Scientists say a new scan technique could identify people at risk of collapsing and dying suddenly from a hidden heart condition. Normally, in people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, signs of structural changes in the heart can only be picked up after death. But University…

I lost my arms and legs – stop it happening to others
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I lost my arms and legs – stop it happening to others

This article was taken from: By Nick TriggleHealth correspondent A man who woke from a coma to discover both his arms and legs had been amputated and part of his face removed has called for mandatory training on sepsis for NHS staff. Sepsis, or blood poisoning, is a serious complication of an infection, which…