Skipping breakfast ‘could increase risk of dying from heart disease’
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Skipping breakfast ‘could increase risk of dying from heart disease’

This article was taken from: By Florence Snead at I News UK More than half of participants said they ate breakfast every day Skipping breakfast on a regular basis could be linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease, research suggests. The decision to shun the meal is also a behavioural marker for unhealthy lifestyle habits, the study…

NHS non-disclosure agreements to end, vows Matt Hancock
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NHS non-disclosure agreements to end, vows Matt Hancock

This article was taken from: Health secretary says staff should not have to compromise their job for patient safety The health secretary has vowed to end the use of non-disclosure agreements that prevent would-be NHS whistleblowers speaking out. Matt Hancock said he wants more people to feel they can “put their head above the parapet”, and described settlement…

Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’
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Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’

This article was taken: By  Sarah Portlock BBC News Homeless people face various challenges: where to find the next meal; where to seek shelter on a cold night; how to protect themselves from the threat of violence. A specialist service in Birmingham is trying to make life easier for them in one specific area – where…

Pig brains partially revived four hours after death
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Pig brains partially revived four hours after death

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News US scientists have partially revived pig brains four hours after the animals were slaughtered. The findings could fuel debate about the barrier between life and death, and provide a new way of researching diseases like Alzheimer’s. The study showed the death of…

Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital
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Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sensors small enough to fit in the ear, robotic devices and sleep monitors could all become standard technology in the homes of people with dementia, scientists say. The idea is to keep people safe and independent in their own homes, rather than needing to go to…