Scientists draw closer to a dementia vaccine
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Scientists draw closer to a dementia vaccine

This article was taken from: By  Tim Newman from Medical News Today Although a vaccine for dementia is a long way down the road, researchers recently made a few tentative steps closer. The authors of a recent study in mice hope that in the coming years, they can move into human trials. Although a…

Protein tangles in Alzheimer’s patients could help predict brain shrinkage
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Protein tangles in Alzheimer’s patients could help predict brain shrinkage

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis and Hannah Devlin Research suggests tangles of tau could be used to predict how much shrinkage will occur and where Tangles of a protein found inside the brain cells of people with Alzheimer’s disease can be used to predict future brain shrinkage, research suggests. In healthy people, a…

First drug that can slow Alzheimer’s dementia
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First drug that can slow Alzheimer’s dementia

This article was taken from: By  Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online A US drug company says it has created the first therapy that could slow Alzheimer’s disease, and it is now ready to bring it to market. Currently, there are no drugs that can do this – existing ones only help with symptoms….

‘Why should I stop working just because I have dementia?’
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‘Why should I stop working just because I have dementia?’

This article was taken from: By  Jon KellyBBC Stories It’s not unusual for people of working age to be diagnosed with dementia. Many are perfectly capable of carrying on for years – but employers often don’t realise it. Each time IT consultant Doug Banks goes for a job interview – and he’s had two…

Alzheimer’s and dementia leading cause of death in England and Wales
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Alzheimer’s and dementia leading cause of death in England and Wales

This article was taken from: By Amelia Hill, Guardian news Experts call for urgent action to tackle ‘biggest health crisis of our time’ Dementia is the biggest health crisis of our time, experts have said, as statistics show the condition was the primary cause of death in England and Wales last year. Almost one in eight…