Alzheimer’s blood test could predict onset up to 20 years in advance
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Alzheimer’s blood test could predict onset up to 20 years in advance

This article was taken from: By Kevin Rawlinson US scientists say their blood test can be 94% effective in spotting those at risk of the illness A blood test that can detect signs of Alzheimer’s as much as 20 years before the disease begins to have a debilitating effect has been developed by researchers…

Alzheimer’s risk ‘different in women and men’
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Alzheimer’s risk ‘different in women and men’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Scientists say they may have discovered why more women than men have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It has always been thought that women living longer than men was the reason. But new research presented at an international conference suggests this may not be the whole…

Rapid weight loss or gain when elderly could be sign of Alzheimer’s
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Rapid weight loss or gain when elderly could be sign of Alzheimer’s

This article was taken from: By Henry Bodkin Elderly people who experience significant weight gain or loss may be at an increased risk of developing dementia, new research suggests. A study, published in journal BMJ Open, found a link between late-life changes to Body Mass Index (BMI) and onset of the neurological condition. The…

Pig brains partially revived four hours after death
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Pig brains partially revived four hours after death

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News US scientists have partially revived pig brains four hours after the animals were slaughtered. The findings could fuel debate about the barrier between life and death, and provide a new way of researching diseases like Alzheimer’s. The study showed the death of…

Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital
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Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sensors small enough to fit in the ear, robotic devices and sleep monitors could all become standard technology in the homes of people with dementia, scientists say. The idea is to keep people safe and independent in their own homes, rather than needing to go to…