Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says
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Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says

This article was taken from: By BBC health news Younger women with a family history of breast cancer should receive annual screenings to pick up the disease earlier, a charity says. Breast Cancer Now funded a study which found cancers were detected sooner when 35 to 39-year-olds at risk had annual mammograms. NHS screening often…

Breast cancer risk test ‘game changer’
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Breast cancer risk test ‘game changer’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Experts have developed a potentially “game-changing” test to predict a woman’s risk of breast cancer. It combines information on family history and hundreds of genetic markers with other factors, such as weight, to give the most comprehensive assessment possible, says Cancer Research UK. The test is…

Antibody discovery offers breakthrough in breast cancer fight
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Antibody discovery offers breakthrough in breast cancer fight

This article was take from: By Ross Lydall Women with one of the most aggressive forms of breast cancer have been offered new hope after a breakthrough by London scientists. A team at King’s College London has found that targeted antibody therapies could bring long-awaited advances for those with “triple negative” breast cancer, which has fewer…

NHS replaces highest-spend drug with £300m cheaper alternative
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NHS replaces highest-spend drug with £300m cheaper alternative

This article was taken from: By Alexandra Heal Purchase of ‘biosimilar’ version of adalimumab, used to treat a range of conditions, may free up funds for more nurses The NHS is set to make a record-breaking saving after reaching deals with manufacturers on low-cost “biosimilar” versions of its most expensive drug, according to the health service’s chief executive…

‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’
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‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’

This article was taken from: By  Alex TherrienHealth reporter, BBC News Combining a pioneering drug with hormone therapy may extend the survival of some women with advanced breast cancer, a trial suggests. Women who received palbociclib and hormone therapy lived up to 10 months longer than those given hormone treatment alone. It also delayed the time…