Breast cancer charity demands action to avert rise in deaths
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Breast cancer charity demands action to avert rise in deaths

This article was taken from: By Guardian News Death toll projected to climb by 2022 due to increase in incidence of disease and ageing population The number of women dying from breast cancer in the UK could begin to rise within four years, an analysis has shown. A rise in incidence of the disease coupled…

No screening is better for women with low breast cancer risk, finds study
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No screening is better for women with low breast cancer risk, finds study

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Number of women put through unnecessary tests would reduce if screening done by risk, find UCL researchers Women who are at lower risk of breast cancer – about a third of the population – would be better off not being invited for NHS screening for the disease, according to…

Six in seven women at high risk of breast cancer shun tamoxifen as a preventative measure

Six in seven women at high risk of breast cancer shun tamoxifen as a preventative measure

This article was taken from: By Cancer Research Six in seven women with a family history of breast cancer opt out of taking tamoxifen as a preventative measure, according to a study funded by Cancer Research UK and published (link is external)in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment *. “It’s vital more work is done to understand these barriers, improve treatments and ensure doctors…

‘Alarming’ failings in cancer care fuel premature breast cancer deaths

‘Alarming’ failings in cancer care fuel premature breast cancer deaths

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor  Women are twice as likely to die from breast cancer in some parts of the country amid “alarming” failings by NHS services, experts have warned. A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer reveals a “postcode lottery” in screening, diagnosis and death rates from the…

‘Life-changing’ breast cancer drug to be made available on NHS

‘Life-changing’ breast cancer drug to be made available on NHS

This article was taken from: By Sabrina Barr ‘This is a watershed moment’ A “life-changing” breast cancer drug will become available on the NHS after the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) approved it for routine use following a five-year assessment. Perjeta, otherwise known as pertuzumab, was previously only accessible through the Cancer Drugs Fund….