Smear tests might help pick up ovary and breast cancers
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Smear tests might help pick up ovary and breast cancers

This article was taken from:         By Michelle Roberts Digital health editor, BBC News     Cells collected during smear tests for cervical cancer might be useful for detecting early tumours elsewhere, such as in the breasts and ovaries, research suggests.         Scientists say they have found tell-tale…

NHS cancer patients ‘missing out on basics information’
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NHS cancer patients ‘missing out on basics information’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Cancer patients in England are missing out on basic information about their diseases because of staff shortages in the NHS, a charity has warned. Macmillan Cancer Support said at least 120,000 patients a year felt topics including treatments and side effects were not fully explained….

Cancer research: Scientists seek clues to how disease ‘is born’
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Cancer research: Scientists seek clues to how disease ‘is born’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News British and American scientists are teaming up to search for the earliest signs of cancer in a bid to detect and treat the disease before it emerges They plan to “give birth” to cancer in the lab to see exactly what it looks like “on…

‘I was denied cervical screening because of my disability’
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‘I was denied cervical screening because of my disability’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Women with physical disabilities often have to fight to access cervical screening, with some denied it altogether, a charity is warning. Some said they hadn’t had smear tests for years because hoists were unavailable and testing at home was not an option, a report found….

Calls for bowel cancer screening access for over-74s in Wales
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Calls for bowel cancer screening access for over-74s in Wales

This article was taken from: By BBC Healthcare news A bowel cancer charity is calling for more older people in Wales to be able to access free screening kits. Currently, only people aged 60 to 74 in Wales are invited to be screened every two years for the disease. Bowel Cancer UK said those aged…