How virtual reality apps are helping people understand what it’s like to live with dementia
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How virtual reality apps are helping people understand what it’s like to live with dementia

This article was taken from: By Anna Behrmann It could revolutionise the care that people with dementia are given The words “virtual reality” and “dementia” do not seem to fit naturally together, but it could potentially be the key to understanding an incredibly complex condition. When my grandmother, Ninette, developed Alzheimer’s disease, a common…

Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence
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Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence

This article was taken from: By Corazon Miller Elderly residents are receiving the physical and mental benefits of access to the arts world as more care home providers incorporate creativity into their daily timetable. It is the seventh annual Care Home Open Day tomorrow and rest homes around the country are using it as…

Mental health and wellbeing support for NHS staff: government pledges overhaul
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Mental health and wellbeing support for NHS staff: government pledges overhaul

This article was taken from: By Department of Health and Social Care Plans to give staff immediate access to dedicated mental health support will be considered as part of the upcoming workforce implementation plan. The government is setting out new plans to provide better mental health and wellbeing support to NHS staff. The new support will…

How music is spreading Christmas cheer in nursing homes

How music is spreading Christmas cheer in nursing homes

This article was taken from: By: Kavi Shah  Music is one of the most uplifting things about Christmas – and Everest is kicking things off with seven more carol concerts in the conservatories of nursing homes around Britain Residents at seven nursing homes across the UK can look forward to live carol concerts this Christmas, thanks to a renewed…