Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say
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Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say

This article was taken from:     By Nelli Bird BBC Health News   About one thousand people have signed a petition to fully reopen day centres for disabled adults.       Sian Thomas, 40, who is mentally and physically disabled, has been visiting Brooklands day centre in Risca five days a week…

‘Half of women will be carers by the age of 46’
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‘Half of women will be carers by the age of 46’

This article was taken from: By Katherine Sellgren BBC News family and education reporter Women can expect to take on caring responsibilities for an older, sick or disabled relative more than a decade earlier than men, a report concludes. Research by Sheffield and Birmingham universities shows half of women will care by the age…

Carers Week 2019: Unpaid carers are suffering from a ‘loneliness epidemic’
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Carers Week 2019: Unpaid carers are suffering from a ‘loneliness epidemic’

This article was taken from: By Katie Grant at I News Britain One in three unpaid carers is always or often lonely, compared with one in 20 of the general population Unpaid carers are seven times more likely to be lonely than people who are not responsible for looking after a loved one living with…