‘Nurses should remember the unique role they play in the NHS and across wider care settings’
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‘Nurses should remember the unique role they play in the NHS and across wider care settings’

This article was taken from: https://www.nursingtimes.net/opinion/nurses-should-remember-the-unique-role-they-play-in-the-nhs-and-across-wider-care-settings-23-12-2019/ By Katie Whitehead, practice nurse  I don’t know what most of the general public think a practice nurse does. I don’t even know what I thought a practice nurse did before I became one. Probably something along the lines of looking after wounds and giving vaccinations. In fact, as…

Christmas: Beware ‘lethal’ button batteries in toys
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Christmas: Beware ‘lethal’ button batteries in toys

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-50810943 By BBC Health news Sophie Skill, from Sheffield, spent days on life support after she swallowed a coin-sized button battery. Battery acid burned through her gullet (oesophagus) and into her lung, causing agonising pain and putting her life in danger. Doctors say her case is not unique – about…

Many at risk of flu this Christmas, experts say
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Many at risk of flu this Christmas, experts say

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-50807003 By BBC Health News Hundreds of thousands of people could have their Christmas ruined by flu, say England’s top doctors, who are predicting a rise in cases. They say the flu season has started early this year, with lots of the virus circulating. GP consultations for flu-like illness were…

Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas
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Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas

This article was taken from: https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/charities/free-taxis-and-meals-available-for-nhs-nurses-over-christmas-11-12-2019/ By Megan Ford NHS nurses across England, Scotland and Wales will be able to claim free taxi rides or meals over the Christmas period as part of an initiative to say ‘thank you’ to hardworking staff. For three years, Uber has offered nurses free trips to and from work…

More than 1,400 NHS dementia patients well enough to go home at Christmas will be stranded in hospital, warns charity

More than 1,400 NHS dementia patients well enough to go home at Christmas will be stranded in hospital, warns charity

This article was taken from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/dementia-patients-nhs-hospital-return-home-christmas-charity-support-cuts-care-family-mental-health-a8105881.html By: May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent Lack of social care funding ‘turning wards into waiting rooms’ as figures shows dementia patients are delayed up to 10 times longer than hospital patients without the condition More than 1,400 people with dementia who are well enough to go home will be stranded in hospital on Christmas Day, a charity…