Exercise advice on food labels could help to tackle the obesity crisis
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Exercise advice on food labels could help to tackle the obesity crisis

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/dec/10/exercise-advice-on-food-labels-could-help-to-tackle-the-obesity-crisis By Nicola Davis Saying how far consumers need to walk to burn off the calories could change eating habits Labelling food and drinks with how much walking or running is needed to burn them off could help tackle the obesity crisis, researchers say. While all packaged food must display…

NHS should prescribe crash diet replacing meals with shakes and nutrition bars to tackle obesity, scientists say
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NHS should prescribe crash diet replacing meals with shakes and nutrition bars to tackle obesity, scientists say

This article was taken from: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/crash-diet-meal-replacement-lose-weight-healthy-eating-oxford-university-bmj-a8556401.html By Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent Eating shakes, soups and meal replacement bars for three meals a day helped obese patients lose nearly four times as much weight as those told to eat healthily and cut calories, a study has found. Oxford University researchers have reported “total meal replacement” diets, which restrict participants to just 810 calories per day for eight…

How should the NHS be funded to ensure its survival?
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How should the NHS be funded to ensure its survival?

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/how-should-the-nhs-be-funded-to-ensure-its-survival-11425637 By Sky news A Sky News debate on the eve of the health service’s 70th birthday will hear different arguments for how to guarantee its future. If the NHS is to survive, how should it be funded? That will be the question tonight, when on the eve of the 70th anniversary…

NHS funding to focus on cancer and mental health
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NHS funding to focus on cancer and mental health

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/nhs-funding-to-focus-on-cancer-and-mental-health-11423284 By Paul Kelso, health correspondent With vacancies for up to 100,000 doctors and nurses, recruitment will be key to improving outcomes, NHS England’s head warns. The NHS needs to recruit thousands of nurses and doctors to help improve outcomes in cancer care and mental health provision, NHS England’s chief executive…

NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association
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NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/apr/02/nhs-is-facing-year-round-crisis-says-british-medical-association By Sarah Marsh Unprecedented pressures on the health service during winter are likely to continue into the summer The unprecedented pressure on the NHS this winter is likely to continue into the summer, the British Medical Association said. The health service has come under huge strain this winter with almost 150,000 patients in…