NHS ‘winter crisis’ will extend into summer, doctors warn
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NHS ‘winter crisis’ will extend into summer, doctors warn

This article was taken from: http://www.itv.com/news/2018-04-02/nhs-winter-crisis-will-extend-into-summer-doctors-warn/ By ITV News The NHS is likely to see the “winter crisis” extend into the summer, according to new analysis by doctors. Hospitals can expect their summer performance in A&E departments to be as poor as in recent winters, the British Medical Association (BMA), which represents doctors, warned. The health…

We’ve not got enough beds or staff – NHS bosses
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We’ve not got enough beds or staff – NHS bosses

To read more click on the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43576036 By Nick TriggleHealth correspondent The NHS in England does not have enough beds or staff, health bosses say, ahead of the new financial year next week. NHS Providers, which represents chief executives, warned the service was facing an impossible task in 2018-19. The group said it meant hospital waiting…

NHS under pressure: Crisis worse than last year, doctors warn
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NHS under pressure: Crisis worse than last year, doctors warn

This article was taken from: http://www.itv.com/news/2018-03-12/nhs-under-pressure-crisis-worse-than-last-year-doctors-warn/ By ITV News Nearly two-thirds of doctors say that pressure on the NHS has meant patient safety has deteriorated over the past year, a new report shows. The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) found four out of five doctors are worried about the ability of their service to deliver safe…

Liver disease is set to be new biggest killer as Brits drink to excess
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Liver disease is set to be new biggest killer as Brits drink to excess

This article was taken from: https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/liver-disease-set-new-biggest-11934755 By Miriam Stoppard Vast numbers of Brits are getting liver disease due to excess drinking, obesity and viral hepatitis. Higher alcohol prices could put the brakes on this With more than 10 million adults regularly drinking more than 14 units a week – the safe limit – liver disease will probably start to…

Mental health care crisis looming because trainee nurses are being driven away by bursary cuts, MPs warn

Mental health care crisis looming because trainee nurses are being driven away by bursary cuts, MPs warn

This article was taken from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/mental-health-care-crisis-trainee-nurses-bursary-cuts-staffing-recruitment-support-quality-a8177981.html By Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent Specialist training programmes being closed down because of a lack of graduates The crisis in mental health services is likely to be made worse because of a collapse in trainee nurses following the Government’s decision to scrap bursaries for nursing students last year, MPs have warned. In a report…