NHS urged to enable junior doctors to access shared parental leave
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NHS urged to enable junior doctors to access shared parental leave

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/25/nhs-urged-to-enable-junior-doctors-to-access-shared-parental-leave By Alexandra Topping at The Guardian news Regular rotations between hospital trusts render them ineligible, even if they have worked for NHS for years Junior doctors are being denied access to shared parental leave, leaving the NHS open to accusations of gender discrimination, according to medical professionals and lawyers. Junior doctors have told…

More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity
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More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Many more people who go to see their GP with possible cancer symptoms need to be sent for hospital tests if England is to have a hope of bringing survival rates up to the level of equivalent countries, according to a report. The report by a team…

Vow to train the next generation of working-class doctors
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Vow to train the next generation of working-class doctors

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/nov/17/medical-school-vows-to-train-generation-working-class-doctors-sunderland By Tom White at the Guardian News ‘Insurgent’ Sunderland medical school aims to break class barriers A medical school at the University of Sunderland will be launched next year with the aim of breaking down social barriers to medicine and training a new generation of working-class doctors. The university’s vice chancellor, Sir…

UK cancer and children’s wards being hit by closures
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UK cancer and children’s wards being hit by closures

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/nov/18/uk-cancer-and-childrens-wards-being-hit-by-closures-nhs-staffing-crisis By Denis Campbell Health policy editor NHS staffing crisis is forcing patients to travel long distances for treatment as services are centralised Growing numbers of hospital units that provide cancer care and children’s services are among those being forced to shut because the NHS’s deepening staffing crisis means it has too few doctors and…

Doctors don’t know whether they should encourage smokers to switch to e-cigarettes
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Doctors don’t know whether they should encourage smokers to switch to e-cigarettes

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/06/doctors-dont-know-whether-should-encourage-smokers-switch-e/ By  Laura Donnelly, health editor One in three medics would not recommend e-cigarettes to smokers, with quarter unsure if they are any safer than smoking, polling suggests. The survey of more than 500 cancer specialists, GPs and nurses found more than half said they did not know enough about vaping to make…