Scrap ‘quick-fix diets and tea-toxes’ this New Year
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Scrap ‘quick-fix diets and tea-toxes’ this New Year

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news If your New Year resolution is to lose some weight, avoid fad diets, because they don’t work and can be harmful, says NHS England’s top doctor. Diet pills, “tea-toxes” and appetite suppressant products are no quick fix, says Prof Stephen Powis, NHS medical director. Products…

NHS ‘prehab’ fitness plan aims to cut recovery time for cancer patients
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NHS ‘prehab’ fitness plan aims to cut recovery time for cancer patients

This article was taken from: By PA Media Exercise can help reduce side-effects of chemotherapy and amount of time spent in hospital, say doctors The NHS is hoping a new pre-treatment fitness programme will lead to better odds of survival for thousands of cancer patients. People who have been diagnosed with the disease are being given…

‘Global epidemic’ of childhood inactivity
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‘Global epidemic’ of childhood inactivity

This article was taken from: By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Four in five 11- to 17-year-olds around the world are not taking enough physical exercise, according to the first such analysis. The World Health Organization says children’s health is being damaged as well as their brain development and social skills. It says…

Strengthen muscles as well as heart to stay fit and healthy, say top doctors
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Strengthen muscles as well as heart to stay fit and healthy, say top doctors

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Adults are advised to do muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week, as well as aerobic exercise, to help them stay active for longer, under new guidance from the UK’s top doctors. For the first time, it includes advice on safe activity levels for pregnant women and…