Funding released to help rough sleepers living with mental illness
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Funding released to help rough sleepers living with mental illness

This article was taken from: By Department of Health and Social Care Adults who are sleeping rough and living with mental illness or substance misuse will benefit from £1.9 million funding to improve their access to vital healthcare. The Health and Social Care Secretary has announced that £1.9 million will be given to councils…

NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association
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NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association

This article was taken from: By Sarah Marsh Unprecedented pressures on the health service during winter are likely to continue into the summer The unprecedented pressure on the NHS this winter is likely to continue into the summer, the British Medical Association said. The health service has come under huge strain this winter with almost 150,000 patients in…

NHS cuts and performance targets are ‘beyond reach’, health service leaders warn

NHS cuts and performance targets are ‘beyond reach’, health service leaders warn

This article was taken from: By Alina Polianskaya A total of 3.6 million people could be waiting more than four hours for A&E by next year NHS performance and savings targets are “beyond reach” for most hospitals, according to a new report. It found just one in 20 NHS trusts believed they had a chance of hitting the A&E…

Mental health still losing out in NHS funding, report finds

Mental health still losing out in NHS funding, report finds

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor King’s Fund says physical health services are still getting bigger budgets, five years after ministers promised ‘parity of esteem’ Mental health care providers continue to receive far smaller budget increases than hospitals, five years after ministers pledged to create “parity of esteem” between NHS mental and…

More than 100,000 terminally ill patients denied hospice care

More than 100,000 terminally ill patients denied hospice care

One in four terminally ill people who need expert end-of-life care are not receiving it because of funding pressures, the hospice movement has told Sky News. Hospice UK said as many as 118,000 people in the UK with terminal or life-limiting conditions are not able to access palliative care from its members. Britain’s 200 hospices…