Parkinson’s patients to receive cannabis oil in ‘pioneering’ trial to test drug’s effectiveness
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Parkinson’s patients to receive cannabis oil in ‘pioneering’ trial to test drug’s effectiveness

This article was taken from: By Paul Gallagher Study important as more people using expensive and unregulated CBD supplements that have not been monitored for effectiveness. Parkinson’s patients will receive cannabis oil in a “pioneering” clinical trial that aims to demonstrate the benefits, safety and efficacy of the treatment to help with hallucinations and…

Long-term Lyme disease ‘actually chronic fatigue syndrome’
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Long-term Lyme disease ‘actually chronic fatigue syndrome’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News The majority of people who believe they have a chronic form of Lyme disease are more likely to have chronic fatigue syndrome, experts suggest. There are around 3,000 cases of Lyme disease, caused by tick bites, in the UK each year. Most of those who…

‘Unacceptable’ delays in diagnosing secondary breast cancer
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‘Unacceptable’ delays in diagnosing secondary breast cancer

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News One in four patients with secondary breast cancer had to visit their GP three or more times before they got a diagnosis, a survey suggests. A breast cancer charity said there should be more awareness that the disease can spread to other parts of the…

Prescribed Zantac heartburn medicine recall in UK
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Prescribed Zantac heartburn medicine recall in UK

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News UK doctors are being told to stop prescribing four types of a heartburn medication called Zantac or ranitidine as a “precautionary measure”. t follows concern in several countries that products may contain an impurity that has been linked to cancer. The four being recalled are Zantac 150mg/10ml…

Sepsis: essential information on the UK’s hidden killer
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Sepsis: essential information on the UK’s hidden killer

This article was taken from: By Sue George, Guardian News It is estimated to kill more people a year in the UK than breast, bowel and prostate cancer combined, but awareness of sepsis and its effects remains disproportionately low. So why are so many people dying from the condition, and what is being done to…