Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth
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Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth

This article was taken from: By Sky news Even moderate amounts of red or processed meat are shown to significantly increase the chances of getting bowel cancer. Sticking to NHS guidelines on how much red or processed meat people should eat still increases the risk of bowel cancer by 20%, according to new research. The…

One in four NHS wards has dangerously low numbers of nurses, researchers find
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One in four NHS wards has dangerously low numbers of nurses, researchers find

This article was taken from: By Jane Dalton at the Independent Dilution in skills for hospital patients as healthcare assistants used to shore up staff numbers One in four NHS wards routinely operates at staffing levels so low that patient safety is threatened, experts have warned. Researchers have found that a national shortage of nurses…

Mum weeps after medical cannabis for daughter’s epilepsy is seized at airport
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Mum weeps after medical cannabis for daughter’s epilepsy is seized at airport

This article was taken from: By Sky News The family flew to Rotterdam to obtain the medicine prescribed by a paediatric neurologist at the Erasmus Hospital. A mother who returned to the UK with illegal medical cannabis for her severely epileptic daughter wept after it was confiscated at the airport. Emma Appleby flew back to…

NHS patients have cancer scans cancelled after supplier problems
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NHS patients have cancer scans cancelled after supplier problems

This article was taken from: By Haroon Siddique Scan delays in England leading to ‘stress and anxiety’ for those awaiting their prognosis Concerns have been raised that problems related to the supply of a substance used to screen for cancerous cells is causing delays for NHS patients in England, with many exposed to repeated cancellation of scans…

Five-minute ‘needle’ nose job?
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Five-minute ‘needle’ nose job?

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News A speedy ‘non-surgical’ nose job that takes just minutes may be possible using tiny needles and an electric current, US researchers believe. Bendy cartilage structures – like ears and the tip of the nose – can be remodelled with electromechanical reshaping (EMR), they claim. It…