PTSD affects ‘one in 13 by age of 18’
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PTSD affects ‘one in 13 by age of 18’

This article was taken from: By Alex Therrien Health reporter, BBC News One in 13 young people in England and Wales experiences post-traumatic stress disorder by the age of 18, the first research of its kind suggests. A study of more than 2,000 18-year-olds found nearly a third had experienced trauma in childhood. And a quarter of…

‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert
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‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert

This article was taken from: By BT News The drug that is designed to home-in on cancer cells could change clinical practice, says study leader. An experimental “magic bullet” drug has the potential to change the way women are treated for one of the most deadly forms of breast cancer, an expert has said. Sacituzumab,…

Bacteria living on insects could provide new antibiotics
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Bacteria living on insects could provide new antibiotics

This article was taken from: By Catharine Paddock PhD from Medical News Today Many antibiotics in use today came from bacteria that live in soil. Now, recent research reveals that bacteria that live on insects could be more effective at fighting common drug-resistant superbugs than bacteria from soil. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison…

Scientists discover chemical that stops replication of viruses
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Scientists discover chemical that stops replication of viruses

This article was taken from: By Agence France-Presse HONG KONG • Hong Kong scientists claim they have made a potential breakthrough discovery in the fight against infectious diseases – a chemical that could slow the spread of deadly viral illnesses. A team from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) described the newly discovered chemical…

Most hip and knee replacements ‘last longer than thought’
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Most hip and knee replacements ‘last longer than thought’

This article was taken from: By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News Eight out of 10 knee replacements and six out of 10 hip replacements last as long as 25 years, says a large study from the University of Bristol. This is much longer than believed, the researchers said, and the findings will help patients and surgeons…