‘Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code’
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‘Know your cholesterol like you know your Pin code’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47226777 By BBC Health news People are being encouraged to know their cholesterol and blood pressure numbers as well as they know their bank Pin code – because it could save their life. These numbers flag up early signs of cardiovascular disease, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Forty…

Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says
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Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says

This article was taken from: https://t.co/AoMGz7TJhZ By BBC health news Younger women with a family history of breast cancer should receive annual screenings to pick up the disease earlier, a charity says. Breast Cancer Now funded a study which found cancers were detected sooner when 35 to 39-year-olds at risk had annual mammograms. NHS screening often…

NHS to screen for lung cancer in trucks in supermarket car parks
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NHS to screen for lung cancer in trucks in supermarket car parks

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/feb/08/nhs-to-screen-for-lung-cancer-in-trucks-in-supermarket-car-parks By Denis Campbell, health policy editor Health chiefs hope £70m spend will save lives in areas with high death rates from disease The NHS is spending £70m placing mobile scanning trucks in supermarket car parks in a bid to cut deaths from lung cancer by encouraging patients to undergo a check-up. NHS England…

Imperial researchers awarded £1.3 million to fight prostate cancer
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Imperial researchers awarded £1.3 million to fight prostate cancer

This article was taken from: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/190146/imperial-researchers-awarded-13-million-fight/ By Maxine Myers at Imperial College London Prostate Cancer UK has awarded Imperial researchers over £1.3 million for three projects that could lead to new treatments for the disease. The Research Innovation Awards is a prestigious scheme aimed at funding the most impactful research in prostate cancer.  The number of prostate cancer…

Dementia risk factors not known by half of population
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Dementia risk factors not known by half of population

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47116845 By BBC Health News Half of UK adults cannot identify any key risk factors for dementia, according to a study by Alzheimer’s Research UK. The charity surveyed 2,361 people and found that only 1% were able to name the seven known risk or protective factors for dementia. The six…