Covid-19: Leamington Spa ‘mega lab’ opens to speed up testing
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Covid-19: Leamington Spa ‘mega lab’ opens to speed up testing

This article was taken from:     By  BBC Health News     The UK’s first testing “mega lab” has opened with the aim of increasing the UK’s daily coronavirus testing capacity.     The Rosalind Franklin laboratory in Leamington Spa is expected to be capable of processing hundreds of thousands of samples a…

Overwhelming majority of people severely affected by mental illness report discrimination still widespread
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Overwhelming majority of people severely affected by mental illness report discrimination still widespread

This article was taken from: By Rethink Mental Illness   New survey reveals overwhelming majority (88%) of people severely affected by mental illness report discrimination still widespread.   The need to tackle stigma and discrimination experienced by people severely affected by mental illness has been laid bare in a new survey by the charity…

Ban term ‘painkiller’ to end obsession with drugs
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Ban term ‘painkiller’ to end obsession with drugs

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent The term “painkiller” should not be used, to help bust the myth they cure pain, a government adviser suggests. Prof Jamie Coleman said the phrase raised unrealistic expectations – with “pain-reliever” a better option. Research suggests just one in 10 patients seeking help for…

Coronavirus: Five things you need to know
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Coronavirus: Five things you need to know

This article was taken from: ByBBC Health news Myths around the risks of coronavirus in the UK are doing the rounds. We put the facts straight. There is no need to avoid your local take-away or to stop buying Chinese food or beer from any other outlet. It’s also safe to receive packages and…

Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure
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Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure

This article was taken from: By Helen Billam We have awarded funding for a new research project at the University of Manchester, which could find a way to slow down the progression of heart failure. Problems with the heart’s natural recycling system can result in the onset and development of heart failure. Autophagy, which…