Doctors don’t know whether they should encourage smokers to switch to e-cigarettes
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Doctors don’t know whether they should encourage smokers to switch to e-cigarettes

This article was taken from: By  Laura Donnelly, health editor One in three medics would not recommend e-cigarettes to smokers, with quarter unsure if they are any safer than smoking, polling suggests. The survey of more than 500 cancer specialists, GPs and nurses found more than half said they did not know enough about vaping to make…

London hospital drops chemotherapy due to nursing shortage
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London hospital drops chemotherapy due to nursing shortage

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Patients at King George hospital will have to go elsewhere as NHS trust centralises care One of the biggest NHS trusts is to stop providing chemotherapy at one of its hospitals because it has too few specialist cancer nurses to staff the unit. The Cedar Centre at…

Review ordered into ‘barbaric’ treatment of patients with autism and learning disabilities
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Review ordered into ‘barbaric’ treatment of patients with autism and learning disabilities

This article was taken from: By Sky News More than 2,300 people have been treated in secure hospitals since 2015 where practices include the seclusion of patients. Health secretary Matt Hancock has ordered a review of the long-term treatment of people with learning disabilities or autism. Mr Hancock has asked hospital inspectorate the Care Quality…

Removing items in ears and noses ‘costs NHS £3m a year’
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Removing items in ears and noses ‘costs NHS £3m a year’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Removing foreign objects from ears and noses costs NHS hospitals in England almost £3m a year, a study suggests. Children were responsible for the vast majority of cases – 95% of objects removed from noses and 85% from ears. Annually an average of 1,218 nasal and…

A fifth of NHS doctors were bullied or abused last year, study finds
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A fifth of NHS doctors were bullied or abused last year, study finds

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor BMA research reveals that abusive behaviour is widespread but often goes unreported One in five NHS doctors were victims of bullying or harassment last year, a major survey has found. The problem leads to doctors losing confidence, and harms their careers and personal lives, leading them to take…