Dementia: New risk factor examined
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Dementia: New risk factor examined

This article was taken from: By Tim Newman Over the years, scientists have identified a number of risk factors for dementia. However, according to the most recent study, that list might be incomplete. Dementia describes a group of symptoms that include a decline in memory and cognitive abilities. There are a number of conditions labeled as dementias,…

Five common misconceptions about Alzheimer’s explained
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Five common misconceptions about Alzheimer’s explained

This article was taken from: By Sky news On World Alzheimer’s Day, the Alzheimer’s Society puts five common misconceptions about the disease to bed. There are about 850,000 people living with various forms of dementia in the UK, according to figures from the Alzheimer’s Society. There are about 850,000 people living with various forms of…

Removing faulty brain cells staves off dementia in mice
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Removing faulty brain cells staves off dementia in mice

This article was taken from: By Hannah Devlin Science correspondent Researchers say that when they swept away the senescent brain cells in mice, the outwards symptoms of their dementia vanished Purging “zombie cells” from the brain could stave off the effects of dementia, a groundbreaking study has found. The research in mice is the first to show…

Air pollution may be linked to dementia risk
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Air pollution may be linked to dementia risk

This article was taken from: By ITV News Air pollution may be linked with an increased risk of developing dementia, research suggests. A London-based study, published in journal BMJ Open, found an association between the neurodegenerative condition and exposure to nitrogen dioxide and microscopic particles known as PM2.5. Alzheimer’s Research UK described it is a…

40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression
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40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression

This article was taken from: By Guardian News Researchers are asking people who have suffered from depression and anxiety to provide DNA samples so they can look for common genes Genetic links to anxiety and depression are to be explored in the largest ever study into the issue, experts have announced. Researchers are calling on…