Alcohol-free months are all the rage – but will a sober October lead to long-term health benefits?
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Alcohol-free months are all the rage – but will a sober October lead to long-term health benefits?

This article was taken from: By Amy Fleming Dry January is already popular, and people are being encouraged to take a break from alcohol next month, too. Does this make a big difference, or should we be finding new ways to drink less? One of the biggest problems with alcohol is that it is so deeply…

Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS
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Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Hundreds of patients with a type of aggressive skin cancer will be offered a targeted therapy on the NHS in England and Wales, which reduces the risk of it returning. At present, they have to hope their cancer will not return after surgery. The drug has…

‘Aspirin-a-day risky in old age’ – major study
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‘Aspirin-a-day risky in old age’ – major study

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News Elderly people in good health should not take an aspirin a day, according to a major study in the US and Australia. There are proven benefits of the drug for people after a heart attack or stroke. But the trial found no benefit…

The flu jab saves lives – make sure you have it, please
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The flu jab saves lives – make sure you have it, please

This article was taken from: By Frances Ryan Last year not everyone entitled to a free vaccination got one. This government must take its share of the blame for that It’s September, and that means headlines about flu season. It started with the news that NHS staff who refuse to have the flu jab may be moved to…

Women ‘struggling to access contraception’
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Women ‘struggling to access contraception’

This article was taken from: By Georgie Bevan , BBC East & Caroline Parkinson BBC News Doctors are warning that contraceptive access is at a “crossroads”, with services being cut across England. Figures seen exclusively by the BBC show half of councils have cut, or plan to cut, services, particularly affecting long-acting contraception. Leading reproductive health consultant…