Poorest in England suffer ‘avoidable and unfair’ health inequality – report
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Poorest in England suffer ‘avoidable and unfair’ health inequality – report

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/poorest-in-england-suffer-avoidable-and-unfair-health-inequality-report-11494948 By Paul Kelso, health correspondent A report finds the poorest may spend a third of their lives in ill health, compared to a sixth for those in less deprived areas. The UK has failed to close “unfair and unavoidable” health inequalities, with the most deprived in society facing 19 more…

Monkeypox: UK’s first case of rare viral infection confirmed
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Monkeypox: UK’s first case of rare viral infection confirmed

This article was taken from: https://onecall24.co.uk/nhs-to-be-franchised-around-the-globe-under-post-brexit-plans/ By Joel Adams More than 50 members of the public could have been exposed to a rare viral infection, health officials fear after the first case of monkeypox was diagnosed in the UK. A Nigerian naval officer who came to the UK to take part in an Ministry of Defence (MoD)…

Thousands affected by ‘hidden epidemic’ of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
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Thousands affected by ‘hidden epidemic’ of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/thousands-affected-by-hidden-epidemic-of-foetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-11493613 By Becky Johnson, Midlands correspondent Not enough is known about foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a condition that is often misdiagnosed or missed completely. At least two percent of people in the UK could be suffering from the long-term effects of their mother drinking alcohol while pregnant. Not enough is…

Patients’ lives are at risk because of ‘downright dangerous’ NHS computer systems, Matt Hancock says
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Patients’ lives are at risk because of ‘downright dangerous’ NHS computer systems, Matt Hancock says

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/09/06/patients-lives-risk-downright-dangerous-systems-matt-hancock/ By Laura Donnelly, health editor NHS IT systems that are “downright dangerous” are risking the lives of patients, the new Health Secretary has warned. Matt Hancock vowed to “bring the NHS into the 21st century” as he launched a ‘bonfire of the fax machines’ and waged war on outdated technology. Writing in The Telegraph,…

Royal College of Nursing Scotland in nurse staffing levels call
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Royal College of Nursing Scotland in nurse staffing levels call

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-45416421 By BBC News The public are being urged to back a campaign for tougher legislation to ensure there are enough nurses to deliver high-quality patient care. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland said the latest NHS workforce datashowed the highest number of nursing vacancies ever reported. It said its…