Air pollution linked to spikes in hospital and GP visits
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Air pollution linked to spikes in hospital and GP visits

This article was taken from: By Matthew Taylor environment correspondent Study shows poor air quality leads to health problems and ‘should serve as a warning’ Air pollution leads to spikes in health problems and drives up hospital admissions and visits to the GP, according to a new study. The report proves an “absolutely clear” link between poor air…

NHS England clears specialised treatments for NHS use
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NHS England clears specialised treatments for NHS use

This article was taken from: By Selina McKee NHS England has approved routine funding for a stream of new specialised treatments, including stroke-reducing heart implants and a life changing surgical procedure for children with cerebral palsy. It says hundreds of patients each year will benefit from a procedure called left atrial appendage occlusion, which cuts…

WHO and World Bank warn that poor hospital care is leading to high costs globally

WHO and World Bank warn that poor hospital care is leading to high costs globally

This article was taken from: By  Anne Gulland, global health security correspondent Poor quality health care is making people ill and costing health services around the world trillions of dollars a year. A report by the World Health Organization and the World Bank says that misuse of drugs, inappropriate treatment and infections picked up in hospitals are harming patients…

How should the NHS be funded to ensure its survival?
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How should the NHS be funded to ensure its survival?

This article was taken from: By Sky news A Sky News debate on the eve of the health service’s 70th birthday will hear different arguments for how to guarantee its future. If the NHS is to survive, how should it be funded? That will be the question tonight, when on the eve of the 70th anniversary…

Drug gets body cells to ‘eat and destroy’ cancer
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Drug gets body cells to ‘eat and destroy’ cancer

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Scientists have designed a special type of drug that helps the body eat and destroy cancerous cells. The treatment boosts the action of white blood cells, called macrophages, that the immune system uses to gobble up unwanted invaders. Tests in mice showed the therapy worked for…