Is the NHS the world’s best healthcare system?
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Is the NHS the world’s best healthcare system?

This article was taken from: By Pamela Duncan and Juliette Jowit On its 70th birthday, there are reasons to celebrate Britain’s favourite institution, though it has changed beyond all recognition from the service set up in 1948 Nothing inspires national pride quite like the National Health Service. More than two-thirds of respondents in a recent pollsaid they considered the…

Artificial ovary fertility treatment developed by scientists
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Artificial ovary fertility treatment developed by scientists

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Scientists have taken early steps towards developing an artificial ovary that could lead to improved fertility preservation treatments. The technique is aimed at helping women at risk of becoming infertile, such as those who receive chemotherapy. The Danish scientists removed parts of the ovary and altered…

Seeing the same doctor over time ‘lowers death rates’
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Seeing the same doctor over time ‘lowers death rates’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Patients who see the same doctor again and again have lower death rates, a study suggests. The benefits applied to visits to GPs and specialists and were seen across different cultures and health systems. University of Exeter researchers said the human aspect of medical practice was…

NHS urged to provide ‘life-changing’ drug for boy at risk of brain damage from protein
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NHS urged to provide ‘life-changing’ drug for boy at risk of brain damage from protein

This article was taken from: By David Mercer, news reporter Three-year-old Stanley Brown is forced to live on a severely-restricted diet because of his rare condition known as PKU. The mother of a little boy at risk of brain damage if he eats too much protein has urged the NHS to provide a “life-changing” treatment…

Scottish doctors warning over a profession ‘pushed to the brink’
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Scottish doctors warning over a profession ‘pushed to the brink’

This article was taken from: By Auslan Cramb, scottish correspondent Doctors warn Scottish Government to ‘listen and respond’ Just three per cent of Scottish doctors believe the NHS is adequately resourced, according to a BMA survey that reveals a profession “pushed to the brink”. In a stark warning about the future of the health service the survey…