Cancer survivors ‘have higher heart risk’
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Cancer survivors ‘have higher heart risk’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news More than one in 10 cancer patients die from heart and blood vessel problems, rather than their initial illness, a study says. The European Heart Journal looked at three million US patients, with 28 different cancers, over 40 years. The researchers say the increase in…

‘Global epidemic’ of childhood inactivity
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‘Global epidemic’ of childhood inactivity

This article was taken from: By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Four in five 11- to 17-year-olds around the world are not taking enough physical exercise, according to the first such analysis. The World Health Organization says children’s health is being damaged as well as their brain development and social skills. It says…

Bacterial allies make dengue fever cases dive
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Bacterial allies make dengue fever cases dive

This article was taken from: By  James Gallagher Health and science correspondent Recruiting a bacterial ally that infects mosquitoes has led to huge reductions in cases of dengue fever, trials around the world show. Wolbachia bacteria make it harder for the insects to spread the virus, rather than kill them off. Researchers say the findings…

Old age: Why 70 may be the new 65
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Old age: Why 70 may be the new 65

This article was taken from: By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online It may be time to rethink how we measure and define old age in the UK because more people are surviving into their late 80s and beyond, say experts. The Office for National Statistics team says although 65 has traditionally been seen as the…

Revealed: NHS running short of dozens of lifesaving medicines
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Revealed: NHS running short of dozens of lifesaving medicines

This article was taken from: By Internal document seen by the Guardian shows low supplies for heart, cancer and anti-epilepsy drugs The NHS is running short of dozens of lifesaving medicines including treatments for cancer, heart conditions and epilepsy, the Guardian has learned. An internal 24-page document circulated to some doctors last Friday from the medicine supply…