The Guardian view on alternative medicines: handle with care
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The Guardian view on alternative medicines: handle with care

This article was taken: By Guardian News Seekers after unconventional treatments should do so on the understanding that they have not been proven to work Human health is complicated, and while the history of medicine is often represented as a triumphant march from darkness into light, for many people it doesn’t feel like that….

Would you recognise a gradual-onset heart attack?
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Would you recognise a gradual-onset heart attack?

This article was taken from: By Amy Fleming We think of an attack as a ‘big bang’, but the symptoms can build over hours or days – and even doctors can misinterpret them In spring 2018, Tim Walker was working on a PhD in microbiology. Over the course of a week, he started feeling a…

‘It can be a wonderful freeing moment’: opening up about mental health at work
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‘It can be a wonderful freeing moment’: opening up about mental health at work

This article was taken from: By Moya Sarner Mental illness is still taboo in many workplaces. But life can be transformed when you are able to talk to colleagues Iwould rather tell an employer I have excruciating period pain or terrible diarrhoea than say I need to take a day off for my mental health. Despite…

Testosterone linked to higher risk of heart disease, research finds
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Testosterone linked to higher risk of heart disease, research finds

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis Study that analysed data from UK found men were more likely to develop heart conditions Men might be at greater risk of developing heart failure, heart attacks or blood clots than women at least in part because they have higher levels of testosterone, scientists say. The team said the…

40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression
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40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression

This article was taken from: By Guardian News Researchers are asking people who have suffered from depression and anxiety to provide DNA samples so they can look for common genes Genetic links to anxiety and depression are to be explored in the largest ever study into the issue, experts have announced. Researchers are calling on…