Game-changing implant could prevent HIV transmission for up to a year
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Game-changing implant could prevent HIV transmission for up to a year

This article was taken from: By Anne Gulland, global health security correspondent Researchers have unveiled the results of the first ever human trial of what could be a game-changing HIV prevention tool. At this week’s International Aids Society conference in Mexico City researchers presented the preliminary results of a trial of a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implant that could prevent…

Genetic mutation made humans susceptible to heart attacks – study
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Genetic mutation made humans susceptible to heart attacks – study

This article was taken from: By Anna Ploszajski Gene that helped prevent clogged arteries was lost 2 to 3 million years ago The loss of a single gene 2 to 3 million years ago in our ancestry may help explain why humans are the only animals in which heart attacks are common. Atherosclerosis –…

Senior doctors call for crackdown on home genetic testing kits
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Senior doctors call for crackdown on home genetic testing kits

This article was taken from: By Hannah Devlin Science correspondent False results have told women they have mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer Senior doctors have called for a crackdown on consumer genetic tests, following an influx of patients who have been wrongly told they are carrying dangerous mutations linked to cancer or other…

NHS flu jabs delayed amid scramble to keep up with ‘Aussie’ strain
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NHS flu jabs delayed amid scramble to keep up with ‘Aussie’ strain

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor The NHS is scrambling to get hold of the right flu jabs in time for this winter, amid fears millions of Britons will not be protected against a deadly “Aussie” strain. Health officials say delays by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in selecting the vaccine…

Brain implant restores partial vision to blind people
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Brain implant restores partial vision to blind people

This article was taken from: By Press Association Medical experts hail ‘paradigm shift’ of implant that transmits video images directly to the visual cortex, bypassing the eye and optic nerve Partial sight has been restored to six blind people via an implant that transmits video images directly to the brain. Some vision was made…