Sky Views: When will the penny drop? The pensions crackdown is damaging the NHS
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Sky Views: When will the penny drop? The pensions crackdown is damaging the NHS

This article was taken from: By  Ian King, business presenter at Sky News The German economist Horst Siebert called it the “cobra effect” – an illustration of how a well-intended government policy can, if badly constructed, create perverse incentives in an economy and, ultimately, unwanted consequences. His example concerned how, during the days of the…

What is Autism?
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What is Autism?

This article was taken from: By NHS UK Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how people communicate and interact with others. Autism affects people in different ways. But most autistic people see, hear and experience the world differently from people without autism. Autistic people may be given a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or…

Record numbers of amputations on NHS amid warnings 1 in 10 will soon suffer type two diabetes
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Record numbers of amputations on NHS amid warnings 1 in 10 will soon suffer type two diabetes

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor Record number of people are undergoing amputations on the NHS, official figures show, amid warnings that diabetes will soon afflict one in 10 adults. Health officials said it was a “tragedy” that so many people were facing life-changing surgery as a result of preventable ill-health. Estimates suggest…

Easter eggs are ‘fuelling obesity crisis because shops sell them too early’
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Easter eggs are ‘fuelling obesity crisis because shops sell them too early’

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor Shops are being urged to stop putting Easter eggs on sale so early, as health chiefs warn that one in four consumers has already eaten a whole one. Charities said increasingly aggressive sales tactics were fuelling the global obesity crisis, and leaving parents at the mercy of…

Is it time to raise the smoking age to 21?
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Is it time to raise the smoking age to 21?

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent There is a growing clamour to raise the age at which tobacco products can be bought, from 18 to 21. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health put forward the idea earlier this month, and now a leading doctor, Imperial College London respiratory specialist Dr…