GPs should prescribe holidays to help patients at risk of heart disease live longer, say experts
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GPs should prescribe holidays to help patients at risk of heart disease live longer, say experts

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor, in Munich Holidays should be prescribed by GPs to help people at risk of heart disease live longer, new research shows. Heart experts said doctors should recommend a break to middle-aged patients trying to overhaul their health – not just tick them off about bad habits. The 40-year…

Treatment extends lives of patients with terminal ovarian and lung cancers
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Treatment extends lives of patients with terminal ovarian and lung cancers

This article was taken from: By Guardian news, press association Patients in study had ‘exhausted all other options’ but new combination halted their cancer for an average of 5.8 months A new treatment for patients with advanced ovarian and lung cancer could give them months longer to spend with their loved ones, early trial results…

Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told
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Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told

This article was taken from: By Guardian news GPs urged to tell patients to use over-the-counter remedies rather than the drugs Doctors are to be told to promote honey and over-the-counter remedies as the go-to treatment for coughs rather than antibiotics. They will be told not to offer the drugs in most cases and to instead…

Steam treatment for big prostates approved on NHS
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Steam treatment for big prostates approved on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news The NHS can start offering a new steam treatment for benign prostate enlargement, says the regulator, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done under local anaesthetic without an overnight hospital stay. It involves passing a small…

Opt-out donation plan ‘will not increase donors’
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Opt-out donation plan ‘will not increase donors’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News An opt-out organ donation register in England may not increase the number of organs because grieving relatives could be less sure what their loved ones had wanted, a study suggests. Under the opt-out system, planned to come in from 2020, consent is presumed unless family members…