Almost 1,000 elderly people a day needlessly admitted to hospital amid social care crisis
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Almost 1,000 elderly people a day needlessly admitted to hospital amid social care crisis

This article was taken from: By Olivia Rudgard, social affairs correspondent Almost 1,000 elderly people a day are being admitted to hospital needlessly amid a crisis in social care, Age UK has found. Analysis of NHS figures by the charity found that there were 341,074 avoidable emergency admissions for people aged 65 and over during the year…

Number of doctors opting for early retirement doubles, amid pension clampdown
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Number of doctors opting for early retirement doubles, amid pension clampdown

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor The number of hospital doctors opting for early retirement has doubled in the past decade, NHS figures show. The trend comes along side a clamp down on pensions, which cap the amount savers can amass without being taxed from £1.8m in 2012 to £1 million. Medics blamed stress,…

Quarter of UK student nurses drop out before graduation, study finds
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Quarter of UK student nurses drop out before graduation, study finds

This article was taken from: By Haroon Siddique Nearly a quarter of student nurses are dropping out of their degree courses before graduation, according to figures that bode ill for the staffing crisis in the NHS. Of 16,544 UK nursing students at 55 universities who began three-year degrees that were due to finish last year, 4,027 left their…

New drive to encourage doctors to write to patients in plain English
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New drive to encourage doctors to write to patients in plain English

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Guidance from Academy of Medical Royal Colleges suggests specialists should avoid Latin terms, acronyms and convoluted language Hospital doctors are being told to write letters directly to patients, and in plain English, in a move the profession’s leaders hope will sweep away the use of baffling…

Britain loses medicines contracts as EU body anticipates Brexit
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Britain loses medicines contracts as EU body anticipates Brexit

This article was taken from: By Lisa O’Carroll and Hannah Devlin European Medicines Agency ends pharma evaluations work and moves contracts to bloc Britain’s leading role in evaluating new medicines for sale to patients across the EU has collapsed with no more work coming from Europe because of Brexit, it has emerged. The decision by the European Medicines Agency to cut Britain…