Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS
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Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Hundreds of patients with a type of aggressive skin cancer will be offered a targeted therapy on the NHS in England and Wales, which reduces the risk of it returning. At present, they have to hope their cancer will not return after surgery. The drug has…

Health board says Brexit poses ‘very high’ risk of disruption
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Health board says Brexit poses ‘very high’ risk of disruption

This article was taken from: By Glenn CampbellBBC political correspondent A major health board has warned there is a “very high” risk that Brexit could cause disruption to its services. NHS Lanarkshire said it was working with the Scottish government to identify potential problems. A wider BBC investigation has uncovered NHS concerns that leaving the EU…

‘Aspirin-a-day risky in old age’ – major study
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‘Aspirin-a-day risky in old age’ – major study

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News Elderly people in good health should not take an aspirin a day, according to a major study in the US and Australia. There are proven benefits of the drug for people after a heart attack or stroke. But the trial found no benefit…

The flu jab saves lives – make sure you have it, please
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The flu jab saves lives – make sure you have it, please

This article was taken from: By Frances Ryan Last year not everyone entitled to a free vaccination got one. This government must take its share of the blame for that It’s September, and that means headlines about flu season. It started with the news that NHS staff who refuse to have the flu jab may be moved to…

‘Outdated’ UK abortion laws hampering care for women, doctors say
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‘Outdated’ UK abortion laws hampering care for women, doctors say

This article was taken from: By Maya Oppenheim Women’s Correspondent Study finds threat of prosecution makes doctors less likely to go into abortion provision Doctors think Britain’s “outdated” abortion law hampers their ability to provide the best care for women, a new study has found. Research from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, a charity which provides terminations and pregnancy advice, discovered…