Mental health: awareness is great, but action is essential
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Mental health: awareness is great, but action is essential

This article was taken from: By Dean Burnett Raising awareness of mental health problems should be the start of the process of tackling them, not the end It’s mental health awareness week, 2018. And that’s good. It’s important to be aware of something that affects literally everyone, and that a quarter of the population regularly struggle with. It’s…

‘Surprising’ study suggests exercise may make dementia worse
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‘Surprising’ study suggests exercise may make dementia worse

This article was taken from: By Sarah Knapton, science editor Exercise does not slow down mental decline and may even make dementia worse, a new study suggests. dementia worse, a new study suggests. Oxford University found that people with mild to moderate dementia who went to the gym twice a week for up to 90 minutes went downhill faster than those who…

Give nurses body cameras to prevent assaults, NHS staff plead
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Give nurses body cameras to prevent assaults, NHS staff plead

This article was taken from: By Rosie Taylor Nurses should be given body cameras to prevent assaults by violent patients, a conference heard. Increasing levels of violence in A&E and on hospital wards meant staff needed better protection, nurses told the Royal College of Nursing Congress on Monday. They revealed how they had been attacked and even held…

Nurse: ‘I’ve been hit, head-butted and taken hostage’
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Nurse: ‘I’ve been hit, head-butted and taken hostage’

This article was taken from: By  Nick TriggleHealth correspondent Shelley Pearce could tell immediately that the patient she had been asked to care for didn’t like her. The woman had been admitted to hospital as part of a detox programme. “She wanted to leave and when I said no, she smashed a piece of plastic and…

International Nurses’ Day: what’s it like working at the coalface of healthcare?
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International Nurses’ Day: what’s it like working at the coalface of healthcare?

This article was taken from: By Hannah Friend Nursing is a crucial part of the medical profession. We hear from workers on the ground about what their day job is really like Nursing is certainly not for the feint-hearted, but it does have its rewards, including a sense of satisfaction and pride not found in…