Neurosurgery could spread protein linked to Alzheimer’s, study finds
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Neurosurgery could spread protein linked to Alzheimer’s, study finds

This article was taken from: By Ian Sample Science editor Doctors should decontaminate tools more thoroughly as a precaution, say researchers Surgical instruments used in brain operations should be treated to ensure they are not contaminated with proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease, according to scientists who found evidence that they may be spread by certain medical procedures….

NHS hospitals close to capacity in first week of December
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NHS hospitals close to capacity in first week of December

This article was taken from: By Paul Kelso, health correspondent NHS England says bed occupancy should not exceed 92% while health experts say anything above 85% can compromise patient safety. NHS hospitals in England were close to capacity in the first week of December, with 94.2% of beds across the country occupied, close to last…

Uber offers NHS nurses free taxi rides this Christmas
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Uber offers NHS nurses free taxi rides this Christmas

This article was taken from: By Megan Ford at the Nursing Times NHS nurses in England will be able to access free taxi rides to and from work over the festive period. Using an official NHS email address, nurses can register to claim two £10 Uber codes to use when public transport is either closed…

Wales cancer patients to get proton beam therapy on NHS
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Wales cancer patients to get proton beam therapy on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Cancer patients in Wales are to begin receiving proton therapy treatment on the NHS after a treatment centre was given the go-ahead by health boards. The Rutherford Cancer Centre South Wales was the first to offer the treatment in the UK when it opened in April. But until…

Cervical screening error: More women affected
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Cervical screening error: More women affected

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news An additional 3,591 women have not received information about NHS cervical cancer screening, it has emerged. Capita, the company contracted to send out the screening invitations, made the discovery while investigating an administrative error already known to have affected 40,000 women in England. NHS England says there…