NHS to offer mature students £5k to become mental health nurses
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NHS to offer mature students £5k to become mental health nurses

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/16/nhs-to-offer-mature-students-5k-to-become-mental-health-nurses By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Effort to tackle severe staff shortages criticised as a ‘drop in the ocean’ The NHS will offer mature students a £5,000 bonus to become mental health or learning disability nurses as part of its forthcoming long term plan, the Guardian can reveal. The payments are designed to…

How do you tackle stress in the workplace?
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How do you tackle stress in the workplace?

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46443379 By Hugh Pym Is the workplace more stressful than it was? Do employees feel more under pressure than before? Are staff feeling burdened by work emails around the clock? Recent data and surveys suggest there is an increasing problem. Now one business owner wants other employers to follow his lead…

NHS hospitals treat soaring number of older people for drug misuse
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NHS hospitals treat soaring number of older people for drug misuse

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/02/nhs-sees-spike-in-amount-of-older-people-admitted-to-hospital-with-drugs-side-effects By Arifa Khan at the Guardian News Number of over-45s in England admitted with drug-related mental problems rose 85% over decade Growing numbers of middle-aged and older people are ending up in hospital suffering serious mental health problems after taking drugs, new NHS statistics reveal. The number of people in England aged 45…

Mental health hospital admissions linked to cocaine use treble in 10 years
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Mental health hospital admissions linked to cocaine use treble in 10 years

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/nov/20/mental-health-hospital-admissions-linked-to-cocaine-use-treble-in-10-years By Sarah Marsh NHS data shows surge in England, with increased availability of drug and government cuts blamed The number of hospital admissions for mental health disorders linked to cocaine use has almost trebled in the past decade, official figures show. NHS Digital data has shown that in England between 2017-18 there…

Employers must do more to protect the mental health of staff
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Employers must do more to protect the mental health of staff

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/nov/12/employers-do-more-protect-mental-health-staff By Camilla Nicholls A healthy workplace is one where employees feel able to speak openly out about their mental health issues I fought and lost a battle with my GP, who wanted to sign me off work. I didn’t feel I’d have a recognisable identity without my job; she said I…