Viruses in the gut could kick-start type 1 diabetes development
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Viruses in the gut could kick-start type 1 diabetes development

This article was taken from: By Jack Woodfield Viruses that linger in the gut could potentially trigger type 1 diabetes in children, scientists have said. Research teams from the US and Australia have been investigating the effect of enteroviruses, and whether there is a way to prevent these viruses from encouraging type 1 diabetes development. Enteroviruses are a…

PTSD affects ‘one in 13 by age of 18’
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PTSD affects ‘one in 13 by age of 18’

This article was taken from: By Alex Therrien Health reporter, BBC News One in 13 young people in England and Wales experiences post-traumatic stress disorder by the age of 18, the first research of its kind suggests. A study of more than 2,000 18-year-olds found nearly a third had experienced trauma in childhood. And a quarter of…

‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert
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‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert

This article was taken from: By BT News The drug that is designed to home-in on cancer cells could change clinical practice, says study leader. An experimental “magic bullet” drug has the potential to change the way women are treated for one of the most deadly forms of breast cancer, an expert has said. Sacituzumab,…

Mental health and wellbeing support for NHS staff: government pledges overhaul
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Mental health and wellbeing support for NHS staff: government pledges overhaul

This article was taken from: By Department of Health and Social Care Plans to give staff immediate access to dedicated mental health support will be considered as part of the upcoming workforce implementation plan. The government is setting out new plans to provide better mental health and wellbeing support to NHS staff. The new support will…

Bacteria living on insects could provide new antibiotics
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Bacteria living on insects could provide new antibiotics

This article was taken from: By Catharine Paddock PhD from Medical News Today Many antibiotics in use today came from bacteria that live in soil. Now, recent research reveals that bacteria that live on insects could be more effective at fighting common drug-resistant superbugs than bacteria from soil. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison…