Technology holds the key to NHS transformation
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Technology holds the key to NHS transformation

This article was taken from: By Paul Midgley Oli Hudson How technology holds the key to NHS transformation helping hard-pressed clinicians work smarter as the Government grapples with staff recruitment challenges. In their General Election manifesto, the Tories pledged to provide 50,000 more nurses, 6000 more GPs and 50 million more GP surgery appointments…

HIV vaccine hopes dashed by trial results
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HIV vaccine hopes dashed by trial results

This article was taken from: By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online Hopes have been dashed an experimental vaccine could protect people against HIV, the virus that causes Aids. The National Institutes of Health has stopped its HVTN 702 trial, of more than 5,000 people in South Africa, as it found the jab did…

Coronavirus: Australian scientists first to recreate virus outside China
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Coronavirus: Australian scientists first to recreate virus outside China

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Scientists in Australia have become the first to recreate the new coronavirus outside of China in what they have called a “significant breakthrough”. The discovery will be shared with the World Health Organization (WHO) in the hope it may help efforts to diagnose and treat the…

Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure
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Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure

This article was taken from: By Helen Billam We have awarded funding for a new research project at the University of Manchester, which could find a way to slow down the progression of heart failure. Problems with the heart’s natural recycling system can result in the onset and development of heart failure. Autophagy, which…

Short-staffed NHS failing on bowel cancer detection in England
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Short-staffed NHS failing on bowel cancer detection in England

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Lack of specialists means patients miss out on early diagnoses, charity says The NHS is failing to detect about 1,100 cases of bowel cancer a year in England because diagnostic services are so short-staffed, according to analysis by Cancer Research UK. The charity has said people’s…