Nurse ‘adopts’ homeless stranger so he can get a heart transplant
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Nurse ‘adopts’ homeless stranger so he can get a heart transplant

This article was taken from: By Jacob Geanous A nurse became a legal guardian for a homeless man with autism so he could get the heart transplant he desperately needed Lori Wood decided to ‘adopt’ 27-year-old Jonathan Pickard only two days after meeting him so he would be eligible to receive a new heart. Wood,…

Hospital diabetes team is superhero ready for World Diabetes Day
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Hospital diabetes team is superhero ready for World Diabetes Day

This article was taken from: By Kate Hardy We are just days away from the pinnacle of Diabetes Awareness Month – on Thursday 14th of November, across the globe people will recognise World Diabetes Day 2019. It is an opportunity for the diabetes community to unite and raise awareness of the different types of diabetes that affect millions…

Hundreds of people with autism wrongly being detained in mental health units
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Hundreds of people with autism wrongly being detained in mental health units

This article was taken from: By Ashish Joshi Health Correspondent Hundreds of people with a learning disability and/or autism (LDA) are being held in mental health units even though they have been identified as no longer needing inpatient care. According to analysis by Sky News of published NHS data, 635 of the 2,250 with…

Childhood pneumonia cases up 50% in 10 years, NHS data shows
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Childhood pneumonia cases up 50% in 10 years, NHS data shows

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis A&E admissions highest in deprived areas of England as bronchiolitis drives increase Emergency hospital admissions for children with pneumonia have risen by more than 50% in England over the past decade, figures suggest, with admission rates highest in more deprived areas. According to NHS Digital data…

Vaping nearly killed me, says British teenager
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Vaping nearly killed me, says British teenager

This article was taken from: By James Gallagher Health and science correspondent A teenage boy nearly died after vaping caused a catastrophic reaction in his lungs, doctors in Nottingham say. Ewan Fisher was connected to an artificial lung to keep him alive after his own lungs failed and he could not breathe. Ewan told…