NHS will not pay for ‘life-changing’ migraine drug
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NHS will not pay for ‘life-changing’ migraine drug

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-49831726 By  James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News A migraine drug that has been described as “life changing” by some patients will not be made available on the NHS outside of Scotland. Erenumab – also known by the name Aimovig – is one of the first bespoke migraine drugs…

‘A bleak picture’: Cuts to multi-buy offers needed to end obesity epidemic
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‘A bleak picture’: Cuts to multi-buy offers needed to end obesity epidemic

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/a-bleak-picture-cuts-to-multi-buy-offers-needed-to-end-obesity-epidemic-11818604 By Sky News Scotland’s health survey says two-thirds of adults are overweight and records the lowest score for mental well-being since 2008. Scotland’s obesity epidemic can only be reversed by cutting multi-buy offers on unhealthy food and drink, Cancer Research UK has said. he charity has warned urgent action…

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Repeat Caesareans ‘often safer birth option’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-49795257 By BBC Health news Planned Caesarean delivery can be the safest option for women who have had a Caesarean in the past, according to new research in PLoS Medicine. Attempting a vaginal birth was linked with a small but increased chance of complications for mother and baby compared with repeat…

Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting
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Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/09/23/heart-transplant-waiting-lists-reach-record-high-doubling-number/ By Laura Donnelly, health editor Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting Heart transplant waiting lists are at a record high, with the numbers waiting more than doubling in a decade. Experts said the number of hearts donations is failing to keep pace with growing…

All elderly people to get free personal care under £6bn Labour plan
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All elderly people to get free personal care under £6bn Labour plan

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/all-elderly-people-to-get-free-personal-care-under-6bn-labour-plan-11817477 By Greg Heffer, political reporter, in Brighton Announcing the plan in his conference speech, shadow chancellor John McDonnell will describe social care as a “national scandal” All elderly people will be given free help in their own homes with washing, preparing meals, and getting in and out of bed…